all things cultivated

A podcast that celebrates the fun-loving, salt-of-the earth, melanated queen that you are, while guiding you along a journey to holistic health.

Womanhood can feel lonely, overwhelming, confusing, and scary, but it doesn't have to be when we do it together.

At All Things Cultivated...

I hear from African American women all around the world who are just like you and me who share the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of life. You'll hear from other women about the sleepless nights, magical moments, depression and anxiety. We'll talk about the questions you're not supposed to ask out loud: Why am I so lonely? Am I a bad mom? How is everyone else making it look easy? Why do I keep making poor choices? You'll hear from women who are grieving and women who are discovering community for the first time. You'll hear from single moms like me, married moms, and women not interested in motherhood. You'll hear about the fights, the messes, and the "I love you's that come after the fights. We'll talk about how to create a better world for our kids and ourselves.

You'll join a community of brave, vulnerable women who are learning about this thing called life together. You'll hear from other women going through and asking the same, seemingly crazy questions. You'll see how they're solving problems and creating new ones along the way. And you'll join a community of women who are learning about this whole womanhood thing together

Hosted by SheRonda B.: Registered Nurse, Certified Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, speaker, and activist.

Hey, I'm SheRonda! Everything I do is to empower, equip, inspire, and serve African American women to cultivate happy, healthy, whole lives. The All Things Cultivated podcast is no different. I can't wait to share these stories with you and help you find your way on your own holistically healthy journey!

SheRonda B.


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